Course Catalog Order - Private - Pistol - Rifle - Tactical

Private Training

The main focus of Tactical Cowboy Training Solutions is to teach people of all professions & backgrounds how to properly use life saving skills and progress students to partake in simulated scenarios in preparation for, God forbid, the day they must use their skills to defend themselves or their loved ones.

Tactical Cowboy Private class options as follows but not limited to Pistol Mechanics, Rifle Mechanics, Emergency Medical Response, Close Quarters Defense Techniques, Small Unit Tactics, Precision Marksmanship, Night Vision / White Light Preparedness, Competitive Shooting, Land Navigation, Shoot - Move - Communicate, Scenario Based Training, & More…


Pistol Essentials with Tactical Cowboy

Breakdown - Embark on your journey to becoming a confident and skilled pistol owner with our Pistol Essentials with Tactical Cowboy - Mechanics, Techniques, & Repetition class. This comprehensive course is meticulously designed to provide beginners with the essential knowledge and skills needed to handle firearms safely and effectively. Whether you're a first-time gun owner or looking to refine your skills, this class covers everything from safety protocols and proper etiquette to mastering fundamental techniques. No prior experience is necessary. With a focus on detailed instruction and personalized guidance from our experienced TCTS Mentors, you'll receive individualized attention every step of the way.

In addition to expert instruction, enjoy a catered lunch provided by Tactical Cowboy, fostering a sense of community with Tactical Cowboy family bonding activities. To make your experience even more rewarding, we'll have exciting prizes at the end of the class. Don't miss this opportunity to kickstart your journey into the world of pistol ownership with confidence, proficiency, and a sense of camaraderie.

Pistol Mechanics Confirmation

Breakdown - This course will delve into the various disciplines essential for pistol marksmanship. Topics will include refining trigger squeeze and managing recoil anticipation, optimizing grip and leverage on the weapon, and effectively presenting the firearm in self-defense situations. Our goal is to equip students with a solid foundation of knowledge and confidence in handling their pistols. With these fundamental skills in place, students will be poised to further hone their abilities either independently or under the guidance of our experienced mentors, ensuring they develop the necessary self-defense prowess. To maintain a high level of instruction, the course will be limited to eight students, with a dedicated mentor-to-student ratio of 1:2. We prioritize quality instruction over quantity of participants.

Static & Mobile Pistol Mechanics

Breakdown - This course is a comprehensive dive into pistol marksmanship, emphasizing high standards and performance under pressure. We'll cover a range of skills, from refining holster draw mechanics and mastering trigger control under stress to shooting on the move, engaging multiple targets with threat identification, and friendly competition. Starting with a "cold start" drill to gauge proficiency, hitting the center of a full-sized target at 25 yards sets the standard. With a full day of focused training and minimal breaks, participants will emerge with heightened confidence in their weapon systems. This exclusive event is limited to just 8 participants.

Competitive Pistol

Breakdown - Explore the art of shooting with precision and speed under the pressure of time constraints in this comprehensive course offered by Tactical Cowboy Training Solutions. Gain a competitive advantage in your shooting discipline by mastering the main principles, rules, and strategies involved in practical shooting. This course is designed to break down shooting principles into manageable components, allowing you to refine your skills with the guidance of experienced mentors. With a focus on dynamic shooting, multitasking, and efficient weapon manipulation, you will establish a strong foundation in practical shooting techniques. Expect an extensive hands-on experience, as you'll be actively participating in various shooting exercises throughout the course. We will cover Comprehensive exploration of shooting principles, Individualized skill development with mentor guidance, Emphasis on moving and shooting techniques, Integration of multiple actions for maximum efficiency, Weapon manipulation strategies to enhance speed and accuracy, Establishing a solid foundation in practical shooting skills.

12 Week Pistol Performance Training Protocol

Breakdown - Welcome to our 12-week Pistol Performance Training Protocol, a comprehensive program crafted by Tactical Cowboy Training Solutions to elevate your shooting skills from beginner to advanced levels. This meticulously structured course will enhance your understanding of pistol mechanics, master recoil control, and proficiency in handling weapon malfunctions and reloads. You'll refine your pistol draw, weapon manipulation, and shooting on the move, while learning to effectively use barriers and cover. Additionally, you'll develop stress management techniques and marksmanship under low or no light conditions. The program includes preparatory materials, weekly training sessions, and homework assignments, supported by a personal accountability coach for ongoing guidance. Ideal for both novices and seasoned shooters aiming to perfect their skills in tactical scenarios, this course demands a commitment to weekly practice and active participation to achieve the highest standard of performance. Ensure you have the required equipment and a safe practice environment before enrolling.


Carbine Essentials with Tactical Cowboy

Breakdown - The Intro to Carbine with Tactical Cowboy class was created to initiate rifle owners into a world of precision and proficiency. Our comprehensive curriculum covers crucial aspects such as safety protocols, professional conduct, social etiquette, and sets performance benchmarks that ensure a solid foundation. No prior experience is necessary. Expect immersive instruction complemented by personalized guidance from a TCTS Mentor, guaranteeing mastery of techniques.

In addition to expert instruction, enjoy a catered lunch provided by Tactical Cowboy, fostering a sense of community with Tactical Cowboy family bonding activities. To make your experience even more rewarding, we'll have exciting prizes at the end of the class. Don't miss this opportunity to kickstart your journey into the world of rifle ownership with confidence, proficiency, and a sense of camaraderie.

Carbine Mechanics Confirmation

Breakdown - This course delves into the intricacies of rifle marksmanship, encompassing a range of disciplines such as refining weapon presentation from diverse starting positions, mastering trigger control and recoil management, and ensuring proficiency in various shooting stances like standing, kneeling, and prone. Tailored to a select group of students, the Carbine Mechanics Confirmation course prioritizes quality, offering a 1:2 student-to-mentor ratio to foster a strong foundation of knowledge and confidence in handling firearms, setting the stage for continuous skill development.

Static & Mobile Carbine Mechanics

Breakdown - This course will immerse you in the diverse disciplines integral to achieving a high level of proficiency in carbine marksmanship, specifically geared toward effectiveness in combat situations. We'll delve into a range of skills, from honing weapon presentation mechanics across varied starting positions to mastering trigger control and managing recoil, ensuring a deep understanding of available shooting stances, providing strategies for accurate target engagement while in motion, and optimizing weapon system performance under stress. Expect an intensive training schedule with minimal breaks throughout the day. The course kicks off with a challenging "cold start" drill that sets the standard; hitting the CENTER of a full-size target at 100 yards is the benchmark for readiness. By the course's end, you'll emerge with newfound confidence in your weapon handling capabilities. Participation is limited to just 8 individuals for maximum focus and personalized instruction.

Mid Range Performance & Tactics

Breakdown - Step into an intense experience designed to hone your shooting skills to razor-sharp perfection with your workhorse rifle, the carbine. Our dynamic curriculum takes you beyond traditional shooting ranges, pushing boundaries and unleashing your full potential.

At the heart of our program lies the mastery of long-range shooting but with every day carbines, with targets positioned up to 400 yards away. Whether you're a novice seeking to refine your technique or a seasoned marksman craving a challenge, our expert Mentors will guide you through the intricacies of ballistics, windage, and elevation adjustments, ensuring every shot hits its mark with unparalleled accuracy.

But we don't stop there. In our shooting class, you'll learn to adapt to real-world scenarios, including shooting around vehicles and from elevated positions. These dynamic environments demand quick thinking, precise execution, and the ability to thrive under pressure.

Moreover, our curriculum emphasizes the importance of gathering data on your carbine – understanding its capabilities, limitations, and nuances. This course is for SCOPED CARBINES & RED DOT CARBINES. Through hands-on exercises and expert guidance, you'll learn to optimize your equipment for peak performance, unlocking newfound confidence in your shooting abilities.

In the Tactical Cowboy Family, mediocrity has no place. We cultivate a culture of excellence, pushing you to exceed your limits and redefine what's possible. So, gear up, lock and load, and get ready to kick ass – because during this class, VICTORY is the only option.

Precision Rifle - Team

Breakdown - This course will hone your ability to consistently make long-range precision shots by focusing on fundamental skills. Topics covered include precision rifle and optic familiarization, mastering rifle fundamentals, accurate range estimation, and fostering a strong shooter/spotter team dynamic. Our goal is to equip students with a robust understanding and confidence in their precision rifle capabilities. Armed with these foundational skills, students will be prepared for independent practice, teamwork, or further guidance from our experienced mentors, facilitating the development of their long-range precision capabilities regardless of the caliber they use, be it .223 or larger calibers.

12 Week Carbine Performance Training Protocol

Breakdown - This 12-week training program is designed to elevate participants from basic marksmanship to advanced proficiency in carbine handling and shooting. Through structured sessions, you will delve into carbine mechanics, mastering essential skills such as rifle zeroing, various shooting positions (standing, kneeling, prone), handling weapon malfunctions, efficient reload techniques, height over bore understanding, breath control, weapon manipulation, shooting while moving, and utilizing barriers and cover effectively. The course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of carbine components, precise rifle zeroing, stable shooting positions, and strategic use of cover, while also addressing stress management and marksmanship under pressure. Ideal for both civilians seeking self-defense improvement and law enforcement or military professionals aiming to enhance tactical skills, this program offers interactive sessions combining theory with practical training, course prep work, and homework. Each participant will be assigned a Tactical Cowboy Mentor for personalized guidance. By the end of the program, you will be transformed into a highly proficient carbine shooter, ready for real-world applications with confidence and precision.

Operator Performance Assessment

Breakdown - This course will be focused on the many disciplines that are involved in maintaining high marksmanship standards. This will be a TEST of your skills. There will be teaching points throughout the course but this event is designed to test your capabilities with your rifle & pistol. You will run qualifications and drills that are on the level, and above the level, of Special Operations units.

This is NOT a beginner course in any capacity. By signing up for this course you are certifying that you fully understand how to use your weapons safely under stressful conditions. This event will only be opened to 10 participants. Plan to train throughout the day with little breaks. At the end of this course you will have a new level confidence with weapon systems.


Shoot & Maneuver

Breakdown - This course will be focused on the many disciplines that are involved in carbine marksmanship along with shooting and maneuvering with a team mate.

These include but are not limited to improving on the mechanics of presenting the weapon on target from various start positions, ensuring each student has a strong understanding of the various shooting positions available to them when using cover, providing a solution to engage targets with accuracy while in a stressful scenario, and how to effectively shoot & maneuver with a team mate while engaging multiple threats. This event will be taught by the members of the TCTS mentorship team consisting of former Army Rangers, Marines, and Green Berets. Plan to train throughout the day with little breaks. This is NOT a beginner course in any capacity. By signing up you certify you have a full understanding of safety, muzzle awareness, & the status of your weapon at all times. At the end of this course you will have a new level confidence with your weapon system. This event will only be opened to 8 participants.

Shoot & Maneuver After Dark

Breakdown - This course will be focused on the many disciplines that are involved in shoot and communicating with a team mate under low light conditions. Night Vision Goggles & White light will be the methods of target identification during this event. You need to have one of these capabilities & be confident in target identification out to 100 yards.

This is NOT a beginner course in any capacity. By signing up for this course you are certifying that you fully understand how to use your weapon safely under no light conditions. This event will only be opened to 8 participants. Plan to train throughout the night with little breaks. At the end of this course you will have a new level confidence under low light conditions.

1-4 Man CQT Concepts - Close Quarters Performance

Breakdown - This 30 hour course (10 Hours Each Day) will be focused on the many disciplines that are involved in maneuvering with a weapon in a close quarters environment as an individual or as a team. The first half of this course will focus on the basics of clearing an indoor structure while maintaining a high level of situational awareness, maintaining the upper hand in the lethal situation, and how to coordinate with authorities. The second half of this course will build off of these skills & focus on more complex situations such as having to engage multiple threats while rescuing a friendly. This course will include force on force training to put the newly attained skills to the test, & ensure threat identification is held to standard. You will take away from this a solid baseline of skills in which you can use to save life in the future. Expect to train in various lighting situations. Participants will be taught skills and graded on those skills throughout the weekend.

The Tactical Retreat

Breakdown - This course will test your physical & mental abilities. The Tactical Retreat is a full weekend event where men with real world experience take you through a training evolution. You will learn how to operate as a team & you will conduct time sensitive missions to complete the tasks given to you.

This is NOT a beginner course in any capacity. By signing up for this course you are certifying that you fully understand how to use your weapons safely under stressful conditions. This event will only be opened to 10 participants. You will be in the field the entire weekend. Food & Water will be provided by the cadre.

This course is INVITE ONLY. Please reach out to us if you’d like to get involved by clicking the link below.